The other expression used to excuse this nonsense is : "It was our understanding at the time"
p 55 of Captives of a Concept (Anatomy of an Illusion) By Don Cameron
lists 27 other expressions.
the first mention i find in the wts publications is 1958. although the wts says the index goes from 1930 to 1985, nothing appears before 1958 a search only found by using the phrase "spiritual paradise" not in the index.
in 2015 there was a clarification of the phrase "of course, we should not conclude that the terms “spiritual paradise” and “spiritual temple” are the same.
the spiritual temple is god’s arrangement for true worship.".
The other expression used to excuse this nonsense is : "It was our understanding at the time"
p 55 of Captives of a Concept (Anatomy of an Illusion) By Don Cameron
lists 27 other expressions.
it’s all a big fat lie.
more precisely a big low-fat, high-carbohydrate lie.. 'it took dr. paul marik 12 weeks to prove that conventional wisdom about dieting is a lie, and that was just to himself.
he lost 35 pounds, and cured himself of type 2 diabetes.
german authorities kidnap reiner fuellmich in mexico – interview with fuellmich and the covid investigation committee.
'on 2 october 2018, jamal khashoggi, a saudi dissident journalist, was killed by agents of the saudi government at the saudi consulate in istanbul, turkey'.
First , a message from Reiner, read by Roger Bittel ( English translation:
Hello everyone,
After six weeks of imprisonment, I would like to deeply thank all the people who write to me. There are thousands. I read everything. Everything in those letters from appreciation of the quality of the work done and above all the positive energy sent to me is a rescue boat that will bring me to freedom so we can continue to bring forward our joint work. Because it isn’t over. The corona pandemic was only the test run to find out what people will go along with when we put them into panic through psycho-terror. We must look behind the panic propaganda, so we can see the truth. Without justice there is no peace and no returning to a humane world.
That also holds for my case. Today for the first time I want to address the charges against me that are meant to damage my international reputation as a lawyer but also me as a person. I will together with my legal team ensure that the full truth comes to light, and that those who have done this are brought to justice.
I will go into the background of everything and show how the money from the sale of the house of myself and my wife were simply taken from us - that is, our entire financial existence was taken -.and that is how the entire Mexican plot was created which led to my arrest and much more.
I thank all of you,
Reiner Fuellmich
the latest.
stkirsch24 minutes ago.
there is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 million people worldwide.
the latest.
stkirsch24 minutes ago.
there is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 million people worldwide.
Anyone have any contacts in Slovenia where I can inquire about making their record level data on the Vaccine public?
Another question, in today's world, how long does Prime Minister Robert Fico get to breath?
the latest.
stkirsch24 minutes ago.
there is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 million people worldwide.
COMMENT: RE: New Zealand Whistleblower
Dear Martin,
I live in Wellington, New Zealand. A government town, I guess New Zealand’s version of DC on a much smaller scale. I have worked for and with the government here up to the highest level and can attest to witnessing some of the corruption and ineptitude in the system.
Thank you for publishing what is going on here. Few people in New Zealand have the courage to speak up and when they do they are quickly knocked down. Under the previous administration led by Jacinda Ardern a culture of fear and division was created – “two classes of people” and my wife and I, choosing to be unvaccinated, have been on the receiving end of that.
There is a new centre-right government now but we don’t expect any meaningful change, there never is.The whistleblower is in court here in Wellington today and they will go hard to destroy him and his message. Brave man.
God Bless you and keep up the fight please – on behalf of us little people.
Kind Regards,
REPLY: I have been to New Zealand and held speaking engagements there on several trips. I can’t believe how many people are writing in from New Zealand. I apologize I have not been the Australia/New Zealand in the past 5 years. Time flies, and the world keeps disintegrating. If NZ$ closed above 156 at year-end, it appears we have a brewing political crisis despite the overthrow of the WEF-installed government. The bureaucracy is well entrenched and despite the political change, it does not appear that this will reverse the direction of the country. Therein lies the problem.
I will be doing specialized reports around the world because the requests are coming in even from places like Bangladesh. It is becoming obvious that people around the world “feel” something is just not right. Governments will now do whatever they can to crush dissent and oppress the truth. Instead of arresting people at Pfizer, which they cannot do since so many funds from them, there is no putting this genie back in the bottle. The collapse in confidence of governments around the world is unfolding but by their own hand.
the latest.
stkirsch24 minutes ago.
there is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 million people worldwide.
when i browse jw org, the following years of watchtower magazines are missing from the drop-down menu:.
1987 - 1990.
1997-1998.. i dont want to install any libraries from jw org because of spyware concerns.. are these years included in the downloadable libraries?.
'[Picture on page 24]
Sixty-first Graduating Class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead'
& no pictures? One day they'll have a donation box, just to put the pictures back in the magazines.
the latest.
stkirsch24 minutes ago.
there is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 million people worldwide.
Sound issues - 7:45 then jump to 13:48
the latest
There is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 MILLION people worldwide. This is why they want to hide the data and divert focus from the data. But you can now download the data and the analysis tools and verify this for yourself. see the pinned article. They arrested the wrong guy. To have a crime, you have to have criminal intent. Barry Young was trying to save lives and he did the right thing. I would have done the same in his position.'
the watchtower—study edition | september 2023. study article 39. let mildness be your strength.
11 if a workmate asks, for example, why we do not celebrate birthdays, consider: could he be wondering whether we are allowed to have a good time?
or might he feel that our position will dampen the company’s team spirit?
Eventually is gonna be nu-lite, birthdays could be celebrated in a sober way,